Sep 30, 2017
Liza Moiseeva and her partners started a social business called GlobeIn to support artisans all over the world and make a living at the same time.
While nonprofits have their place in alleviating poverty, Liza believes that businesses will have a greater impact on the lives of the local population in the long-term....
Sep 21, 2017
Is Self Care a Radical Act?
Brodie Welch is offering our listeners a great deal!
Brodie offers many programs.
The discount of 15 % off is for the 12 Treasures Qigong and Basics of Chinese Medicine.
Use the coupon code "SUSTAIN" for 15% off
Scroll to the end for clickable links.
Our podcast guest Brodie Welch...
Sep 15, 2017
Amy Oestreicher turns her personal hardships into successful plays, artworks, and books. She uses her creativity to deal with her pain from the many years of recovery from a severe illness and from sexual abuse. But she also uses it to help others.
Visit our blog for more info
Sep 7, 2017
You are the agent of social change. You, our listener, and you, our fellow podcaster.
If you are interested in gender or racial justice - we need you!
If you are interested in food justice, green living or polite discourse - we need you!
If you are interested in gay rights, saving the rainforest or feeding the world...