Jan 27, 2016
Maddie Wichman, a Feeding America Food Sourcing Department Volunteer and a Innerwise® coach and mentor shares how food which would go to waste is harvested by volunteers and distributed to the hungry and how energy work and food belong together.
Jan 22, 2016
Art from recyclable materials and things found in nature. Joan Green, owner of artlabs shares how and with whom she works,ideas for projects, and resources.
Jan 16, 2016
Jenise and Marianne are talking about the upcoming Women's Permaculture Convergence in San Diego. We are introducing speakers and topics such as water harvesting, art from recycled materials, the business side of Permaculture, using Social Media to grow the business, innoculating logs with mushrooms and more.
Jan 6, 2016
Around this time of year there's a lot of talk about peace on Earth. But is peace a realistic goal? What would a peaceful Earth look like? Is there really anything one person can do to help make it happen? Join us for a look at this important topic and what we can all do about it.