Aug 30, 2018
Emily Gerde is exploring with Brian Eck and Tucker Roe the ever-growing Tiny House Movement. Brian is the owner of Eck Architecture. He is building tiny homes for his clients and knows that fiancing, insuring and finding a good place for the home are important issues. He is negotiating with several banks right now...
Aug 24, 2018
Claire is telling us about aging on a homestead and the trials and tribulations. In this episode, her farm and animals are threatened by a wildfire - and then, there is a surprise.
This is a rather short episode again. My voice is still not up to snuff. Hopefully, by next week, we are back to normal.
Aug 15, 2018
Beng true to our sustainable lifestyle is not always easy while traveling.
Pia Piscitelli is our sustainable travel expert and is bringing us another great episode.
This time, camping is on the menu. As we explored in previous podcasts, getting all the gear for camping can be expensive and use up a lot of our storage...
Aug 8, 2018
Heat Tips and Getting Started with Chickens We are sharing tips on staying cool in a heat wave without air conditioning. Then, we dive into today's main topic: Getting started with keeping chickens. Is it better to start with already laying adult hens? Or day-old baby chicks. What about incubating eggs?
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