Jun 28, 2017
I embraced feminism at an early age. It seemed like a no-brainer. Women should have the same rights as men. Period.
I honor and appreciate all the pioneering women who came before me and through their efforts, made it possible for me to vote and choose to have the career that I want. Many continue...
Jun 22, 2017
Carl was hungry and out of money when he found some onions growing. Just growing right next to a parking lot -not in a garden, not cared for, not planted by anyone on purpose.
That onion tasted so good! And it was free.
One little onion changed Carl’s life and that of countless others who since have learned from...
Jun 14, 2017
Our journey on the sustainable living path led Marianne and I to create a weekly podcast a little more than two years ago.
This episode marks 100 times we've recorded and shared our thoughts, interviews and tips via the podcast.
In celebration of this milestone, Marianne traveled to my Big Bear homestead...
Jun 7, 2017
Permaculture and agorism.
Both offer methods for changing the world for the better. And both have become hot topics over the last several years, thanks to independent thinkers and alternative online media.
In this week's episode of the podcast, I had the chance to engage in an exhilarating discussion about...
Jun 1, 2017
I'm excited about food swaps.
Why? There are SO many reasons! I mean who doesn't like fresh, locally grown food? Or building community with your neighbors? Or trading your excess garden produce for something that you really need?
Those are all wonderful reasons for starting a food...