Apr 27, 2017
Apr 19, 2017
When first I learned about The Venus Project five years ago through a video on You Tube, I was blown away.
It's creator, Jacques Fresco, had thought of everything needed for building and maintaining a society that actually allows humans to live the lives they long for.
Apr 13, 2017
Blake Akers is working on an alternative to the organic certification, USDA Organic, offered by the federal government. Not long ago, we had Grace Gershuny on our show who played a major part in the creation of the standards we follow today.
The two are somewhat in separate camps. Grace is greatly invested in a...
Apr 5, 2017
An online clothes swap? What a great idea!
That's what I thought when I first heard about SilkRoll, an online fashion-sharing community that aims to bring sustainability to the fashion industry.
In this podcast, I interview Janet Wu and Erin Wold, the founders of...
Apr 3, 2017
In this homestead update Marianne and I discuss chickens, irrigation, garden pests, listener sustainable living tips and much more.
It's Spring and the gardening tasks are mounting. Marianne is re-doing her chicken coop and shares how the whole process...