Apr 26, 2018
Emily and Art geek out on all the options available for tiny house construction. Both are in favor of clear regulations so costly mistakes can be avoided. Lots of tips and facts for anyone interested in the Tiny House Movement.
Post by Emily Gerde:
I had a wonderful interview with Art, where we discuss all things...
Apr 19, 2018
Emily and Marianne catching up. Emily recently moved from Minnesota to Colorado to help build the tiny house community she wants to live in. Right now, she, her family, and pets live in a camper. Soon, their tiny home will arrive in Colorado driven there by an experienced tiny home mover.
Apr 12, 2018
Pia and Claire are new voices who are joining The Sustainable Living Podcast. Pia will be talking about sustainable travel and Claire about homesteading and aging. Both will have regular segments in the future.
As you know, there are new voices at The Sustainable...
Apr 3, 2018
Zoe became a Yoga Instructor when 17 years old. She had practiced from an early age and Yoga helped her to deal with a stressful childhood. She used to have severe stomach issues caused by anxiety. After beginning her Yoga practice, she did not suffer from that anymore.
Emily Gerde conducted this interview and wrote: