Oct 8, 2018
Emily and Ethan Waldman are two tiny house enthusiasts. Ethan wrote a book "Tiny House Decisions" that is helping people in their research for their own tiny house build. If you are even just a little bit thinking about tiny houses- either to live in or to have as an extra space - you want to listen to this show.
Aug 30, 2018
Emily Gerde is exploring with Brian Eck and Tucker Roe the ever-growing Tiny House Movement. Brian is the owner of Eck Architecture. He is building tiny homes for his clients and knows that fiancing, insuring and finding a good place for the home are important issues. He is negotiating with several banks right now...
Jul 28, 2018
We love your support on Patreon! Please visit our page and pledge as little as $1 to help create that world we all want to live in. Exclusive live videos for our Patrons!!
Emily has Marcus, the founder and organizer of the Colorado Springs People's Tiny House Festival, on the podcast. Marcus tells us how he found out...
Jul 17, 2018
We are starting the episode with an Urban Farm update from our Urban Farmer Steven.
Then Emily is telling Marianne about the Colorado Tiny House Festival she recently was attending as a speaker. 30 to 50 thousand people were in attendance
This leads to the exchange of ideas on how to make large festivals more...
Jul 11, 2018
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Email us @sustainablelivingpodcast@gmail.com
Isabelle Nagel-Brice is a tiny house consultant, guiding people through the different phases of their builds. She has put together The Healthy Tiny House Kit, which she offers to DIY and...