Jul 2, 2018
Emily Gerde jumps into a quick podcast to share her insights on Baby Led Weaning. In a nutshell, baby led weaning is when you start your child on real foods first and you skip the purees.
Every child is different and has different needs so Emily also gives ideas for those who want to start with purees first....
May 18, 2018
Emily shares the food choices her family makes and why that works for her - now. We have different needs at different times in our lives. But there are some things which apply to all of us - no matter what.
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Emily's Message
Hello! Emily here...
Apr 3, 2018
Zoe became a Yoga Instructor when 17 years old. She had practiced from an early age and Yoga helped her to deal with a stressful childhood. She used to have severe stomach issues caused by anxiety. After beginning her Yoga practice, she did not suffer from that anymore.
Emily Gerde conducted this interview and wrote:
Sep 21, 2017
Is Self Care a Radical Act?
Brodie Welch is offering our listeners a great deal!
Brodie offers many programs.
The discount of 15 % off is for the 12 Treasures Qigong and Basics of Chinese Medicine.
Use the coupon code "SUSTAIN" for 15% off
Scroll to the end for clickable links.
Our podcast guest Brodie Welch...
Aug 16, 2017
Email us at SustainableLivingPodcast@gmail.com
David Perrodin, PhD left a high paying, high-status position without a plan. He shares his personal story of transformation for the first...